Friday, June 22, 2007

Braden Talking

Braden is talking so much right now. His new favorite phrase is "I go". He now shakes his head in an exaggerated "yes" action and you can also add pizza to his word bank. It is really adorable. Brian and I were able to get some video of Braden talking about the vacuum. It may be hard to decipher, but he keeps saying vacuum over and over in the video. Hopefully you will catch it.

By the way, please ignore the mess, Brian is putting new tiles in our entrance way. Braden was helping, sort of!


Anonymous said...

I guess by Braden's expert opinion, THAT IS A VACUUM, A BIG VACUUM. Way to go braden!
Good job on his speech progression.You guys are doing a great job.
Love G Pops and G Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh, Elizabeth, Braden is so very cute. I just love being able to hear him. Miss you all very much.

Aunt Fran

Leticia said...

You have got yourself a extremely cute and very smart child on your hands! I love all of your videos of him, they show his wonderful personality!