Friday, August 03, 2007

17 days and counting

We are doing well here. Braden is doing well considering we are pretty much confined to the house in this heat. We have had some visitors, which was nice. Braden and I were saying good-bye to one of my friends that came over on Tuesday and for a moment, we were able to feel how hot it was outside. After she left I asked Braden if he wanted to go outside in the pool. He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "no-no". We did get in the pool after my OB appointment yesterday. It is the only way to be outside. Braden is talking well and my favorite word that he says is banana. It is more like, "boonana". I love it!

I am now 2 cm dilated. The baby is still low and I am still around 70% effaced. The doctor says I am not able to get any bigger. My uterus is maxed out. Brian was surprised when I told him that because he thinks I was much bigger with Braden. I gained more fluids with Braden than with this one. I am just not experiencing the same amount of swelling.

I am trying to be patient, but it is hard. The baby is moving well and the heart rate is still around 140. Many of the people that I talk to are surprised when I tell them that we don't know if it is a boy or a girl. I am anxious to find out.

I know there haven't been any pictures to accompany the last posts, but we haven't been taking many. I will try and get some up this weekend!

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