Thursday, July 19, 2007


I finally took Braden to get his hair cut on Tuesday. He did great. No screaming and he only cried for a minute in the beginning. He looks so cute with his hair short but all the curls are gone :( I know they will grow back quickly.

I also had my 35 week appointment today. It looks like the baby's head is very low and I am 70% effaced, which means my cervix is almost 100% thinned out. I am not dilated, and was surprised by that news. The doctor expects that I will have this baby early based on how thin my cervix is. She wants me to lift Braden as little as possible, and I will do my best, but that is not easy. She also said that many times a baby born at 36 or 37 weeks is usually big enough to go home with the mom. I guess we are going to get the infant stuff out of the attic this weekend, just to be safe. I am back at the office every week now.


Anonymous said...

Now that is a good looking boy!

The old guy!

Leslie said...

He looks so cute with his hair cut!

I can't believe you are already 36 weeks.....

Anonymous said...

Braden your such a cute little boy with your new haircut and great personality! Grandpa & Grandma love you and your parents so very much and can't wait to see all of you.