Monday, August 14, 2006

Braden's New Teeth

Braden is sooooooo cranky! He will be giggling one minute and screaming the next, but that is what teething is like! He is getting the top front FOUR teeth all at once and the last two days have been long. The top two middle ones broke through last week, but the other two are terrible! I feel so bad for the peanut.

If you look closely, you can see the top two teeth coming in.

Despite his crankiness, he is determined to start walking. About two days ago Braden has decided that he wants to walk everywhere, on his own. We walk around the house while he holds on to my fingers. He also has a car that he can hold on to and walk around with. He has started to pull himself up with it and then just starts walking around our living room and kitchen. Brian and I can't believe it!

He loves his car!

"Are you watching mom?"

Well, today Brian had to do some work at Parkville High School, so Braden and I took a trip to Lowes together. We needed a few things and it seem to cheer him up a bit. He had every person's attention in the store. He was told how handsome and cute he was. One lady said to me, "He is all boy isn't he!" He just loves it too. I look forward to the day where he actually smiles back. Right now he just stares at the people that talk to him.

He wasn't so cranky when we got home from the store and I got him to smile for a few pictures!

Braden pauses for a smile. :-)

Giggle, giggle!

"Mom, that tickles!"

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I know! Those teeth really hurt when he bites you too! Baby jaws are strong!