Thursday, July 27, 2006


Well, Braden has had a few bumps since he started to crawl and pull himself up, but this one was a big one. This morning (very early) Braden was crawling around the kitchen, as usual, and I was getting a cup of coffee. He likes to be close, so he was pulling himself up by holding on to my legs. One he finally was standing, he decided that one hand was enough....little did he know! Boom, he hit the counter forehead first! What a hit! As you can see, we have a battle wound, but he is a trooper and doing just fine.

I tried to get a close shot, sorry it's blurry!

The bump is above his right eye.

"Don't worry I'm OK mom!" -Braden

"See I am having fun again!" -Braden

Well, I know that it isn't the first bump and won't be the last!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Awww, poor Braden! I think bumps like that hurt us mommies more than them. I remember when Sam got his first bump on the head. I wanted to rip my heart out! He was fine thirty seconds later. :)