Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a day!

My spirit was with those in DC today. Instead of braving the cold and the traffic, Brian and I decided to stay in Baltimore. CNN was our news source and we were glued to it. This historic day brought me to tears. I am just so proud of the step our nation has taken. It was a step in the direction that I believe in. Barack Obama inspires me down to my core. He is able to reignite the passion I had as I left Western Michigan University to make a difference in this world. As Brian and I sat with Braden and Reese at a mini-folding table, eating lunch, watching the inaugural address, we explained to them that this was the 44th President of the United States. Our first African American president. It was during this moment of extraordinary and historic achievement that we were proud of America and wait in anticipation, hopeful, for what is to come.


Josh and Kate plus 2 said...

We too were glued to the TV ALL DAY Tuesday. And I was thinking of you! I knew you would be too! It was an amazing day to experience! =)

Sarah said...

I was thinking about you and wondering if you made it to DC. Did you see him at City Hall when he road through on his train trip from Philly?

I had the TV on all day at school, too!