Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sorry it's been so long!

Well, I am back to work. Even though it is part-time, I am out of the house every day, it is busy. I forgot to get a picture of the girls and Braden this week, but I will do that soon. The pictures I did get include Braden and us in the house. He has been having fun hanging out with us this Labor Day weekend.

Braden loves to see what we are doing. "Hey dad, can I help?"

Since Braden has been around the vaccuum cleaner, he has learned to love it! He just follows anyone around who is vaccuuming. As you can see in the pictures, Braden is following around Brian. Yes, he does vaccuum. I married the best guy ever!!!!

"Mom, if you ever want to find me, just turn on the vaccuum cleaner and I will be near!"

"I wish I could play with this all the time but my mommy and daddy take it away from me."

He also loves the most obscure toys. I know that all you parents already know this, but he loves tuperware. As you can see, he has not only figured out how to get to the tuperware, but he now knows how to get it everywhere!

Braden Michael, could you get anything else out of that cabinet?!

So we do spend time with people our own age. This is Brian playing a game with Peter, Cindy, and Michelle. They live near by. Cindy and I take classes together at Towson. Braden, Brian and I met them for Sushi tonight and after Braden went to sleep , the games began!

Relax Peter, it is just a game!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How tired Braden must get in a day, scratching daddies back, supervising the cleaning and inspecting the cupboards, whew what a busy Braden.