Saturday, September 16, 2006

Braden's 9 month appointment

Braden and I went to see Dr. Zilioli on Tuesday for his nine month appointment. He doesn't cause much of a fuss until the doctor starts to examine him. He must not like his glasses! No shots this time, but we have the new measurements.....Braden is now 21 lbs. and 28.5 inches long! He is doing great. Our little boy is getting so big. In terms of percentiles, he is between the 50th and 60th in weight, height and head circumference. I just can't believe that very soon he will be 1 year old! I am glad I have 2 and 1/2 months to prepare for that.

Today we are going to watch the ND v. UofM football game at a friends house. There will be fans of both teams watching the game, which is always interesting. Brian was planning on dressing Braden up, but we didn't get anything for him to wear. I guess will have to find something blue and gold!

Well, I am sure you want some pictures of the little guy so here are two. (I don't have a lot of new ones downloaded.) He was eating if you can't tell.

I don't get the what the big deal is mom. Why are you taking my picture?

Look, I was hungry and I like have a little extra left on my face just in case I get hungry later! I like to put it in my hair too!

This was one of those days were you just take him up straight to the bath tub!

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