Monday, October 08, 2007

Braden & Peter

There is a bond between our friend Peter and Braden that is hard to describe. Braden just loves Peter. If Peter is in the room, then Braden wants to be next to him. It is "Peter" this and "Peter" that. If I want to put Braden in a better mood, I just mention Peter. Braden perks right up! I have some pictures from Peter and Cindy's house. We had dinner with them on Saturday night and Braden had lots of fun playing with Peter! It does help that Peter has cool toys to play with. Peter and Cindy are expecting a boy in February and I am sure the house will be filled with more cool toys by then!

Peter was teaching Braden how to 'squeeze' the dart gun, but Braden kept saying 'squeak.' It was very funny.

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