Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sleepy girl...

Things are going really well here. Brian is back to work full time and Reese is just sweet as can be. Braden is making the adjustment well. Reese sleeps all the time. I have had to wake her up almost every time she needs to eat! She is nursing well and staying awake for a little longer. I am healing well and feel ready to get out for a walk. Some exercise would be nice.

Braden got a new seat to put on the back of our bikes so we can go for a bike ride together. He just loved it!

This is Reese, doing her thing...sleeping!


Josh and Kate plus 2 said...

I can't believe how much hair she has! She's beautiful! I'm SO glad things are going well for you guys. I knew Braden would be a good big bro by the way he treated Joshy when we were there. Does it feel weird to not be getting ready to go back to school? Actually, I'm sure it's the last thing on your mind w/ those 2 cutie pies to take care of! Give everyone big hugs & kisses for us. Love you guys!

Elizabeth said...

I haven't even thought about school! I am happy that I am taking some time off!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! I am so happy for you all! My mom said all I did was sleep too! She also had to wake me up to eat. I still love to sleep!! I guess you never out grow some things!

Love you and can't wait to see you and our new addition to our grownig family!


Anonymous said...

Reese sure does have alot of hair, shes a pretty girl. And Braden is such a sweet little guy. I'm glad your all adjusting well. You are a very special family,can't wait to see all of you in a couple weeks.
Love, Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

I know that Brian and Braden look good on the bike but that sure is a good looking vehicle in the picture!

Much love,

The old guy

Leslie said...

I love those little cheeks! And Braden looks right at home on his very own bike seat.

Anonymous said...

Reese is so cute,I bet all that dark hair will turn to gold soon.
It is good to see Braden out for a ride on his new seat, and Daddy Brian getting some exercise in. It was nice to get your note Elizabeth. Keep smiling, it will get better soon. Reese will get out of the habit of sleeping (all she knew before), she's thinking up all the stuff she will get into later. Relax and enjoy! Love you all.