Monday, July 09, 2007

It is HOT!

It was 98 yesterday and its going to feel like it is 100+ degrees today! HOT, HOT, HOT! I am not venturing too far outside. Just into the pool and back.

Brian is still working on the bathroom, but it is starting to come together! There have been a few bumps, and many trips to Lowe's, but he is the home stretch!

I had a my 33 week appointment last Thursday and everything is fine. I go back in 2 weeks for an exam to see if I have started dilating. After that I go to the doctor every week until the baby comes! I am very excited. I am a little nervous about all the stuff you can't control, but for the most part I am excited. I held a 2 week old yesterday and I can't wait to hold my own!

Here are some pictures of Braden from this morning. I kept telling him to smile....but this is what I got! By the way, I think we are going to get his hair cut today, after his nap, of course. He screams enough as it is, I am not going to make it worse by taking him while he is tired!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the heat! It's unbearable! I'm glad things are going well for you! I can't wait to meet the new baby. Your little man is living up to the "Ham" name! He's too cute!

See you soon!
